Q: Is warm weather truly that dangerous? Sun cream is a hassle to apply on a daily basis.

A: We strongly recommend ensuring that your child is protected, as they may often be performing strenuous physical exercise under direct or indirect sunlight for extended periods of time, to prevent minor to severe incidences of sunstroke or heatstroke.

Q: What time do I need to drop off and pick up my child?

A: Whenever you are dropping off your student(s) for extra time (Wrap-Around Care), please make sure you arrive between 8 am to 9 am and pick up your kid at any time from 4 pm to 5 pm. If they are not attending the extra time sessions (regular schedule), drop them off at 9 am and pick them up at 4 pm.

Q: Where do I drop off and pick up my child?

A: At dropping off time, there will always be a coach in the car park to direct parents to the right point of registration. The following are the places for registration and collection at the end of the day.