Big Ballerz

Raising Future Professionals

Your kids are now getting older and are widening their mind’s horizons. Everything is changing quickly for them: peer pressure, the latest gadgets or trending memes, classes that are getting more advanced. Maybe it’s time that they look to sports as a familiar anchor, something they can return to week after week that stays the same, that empowers them to feel great and clears their mind of the week’s mental workload.


In our Ballerz programme, we deliver our football sessions from the perspective of “Small-Scale but the Real Deal”, where players are trained using a version of association football that is adapted for fewer players and smaller pitches but uses the same rules and techniques.


Tackling, saves, dribbling, shooting and positioning; all these and more will be taught with emphasis on proper technique and also player strategy, building to become competitive sportswomen and sportsmen with a learned eye for the game. Players will be pushed to make offensive and defensive plays and tactics in the same game, making sure that they learn wide and develop a flexible skillset.



Weekly sessions, planned and ran by UEFA and FA certified coaches in the SPA Squad
Each session focuses on practical learning, including scaled-down matches
Tournaments are run on a monthly basis to prepare players for the challenges and excitement of real matches
Every new starter is given a free football kit
Talented and outstanding players will be eligible to join SPA FC!