Breakfast Clubs

What do almost all athletes have in common? They start their every day with exercise, kick-starting their body to be ready for the rest of the day. Research backs the practice up for students as well, as it has also been found that physical activity before a school day increases students’ concentration in the day’s classes as well as increases the performance of subsequent exercise (UNC Charlotte, 2017).


Therefore, we run our SPA Breakfast Clubs before every school day to capitalize the benefits of morning exercise in jumpstarting the bodies and minds of our children. These sessions focus on waking up the mind and body, and developing sport-specific skills, physical skills such as stamina, agility, and strength, as well as soft skills such as leadership, interpersonal communication, and emotional intelligence.


Each program runs for 2 half terms or 1 large term. Spaces are limited, and given on a first come first served basis, so sign up with your nearest Club today!

Interested in bringing SPA to be a part of your school? Contact us at , and be ready for your school’s transformation into becoming the platform for raising future champions and Olympians!