Holiday Camps

Preventive Care against Holiday Binging

It’s the holidays! Your kids are at home, all day, with no one to supervise them and no one to make sure that they are not blinding themselves with cat videos or the latest sensationalist social media content!


Okay, maybe we’re being a tad dramatic there, but school holidays really are one of the most unproductive times for children. Worse still, studies have found that kid’s fitness levels drop sharply over the course of a long holiday period, where inactive children lose averagely 80% of their fitness gained during the term before it (UkActive, 2017).


Our solution to combat this systemic health issue is to run Holiday Camps, where we pull kids out of their homes away from their couches and junk foods and keep their hearts pumping and muscles active with high-quality sports and exercise.


Also, in competition with the amenities of modern technology, our camps are designed to be fun and engaging while finely developing athletic skills, which ensures that your child will be fully committed into physical activity and sports (which as most parents know, is easier said than done).


With our 10+ years in the industry, the SPA squad has innovated strategies and plans that are guaranteed to bring joy and wellness to your child’s holiday break to keep the momentum going for fitness and excellence all-year round!

How It’s Done

At SPA, we run both sport-specific and multi-sport holiday camps during all term breaks and school holidays. The details of these camps are as below:

Each holiday camp is centred on a sports performance course that trains, excites and engages children about sport-specific and transferable athletic skills while also nurturing their mental and emotional growth.
Programs are structured with variety and pacing, keeping our kids engaged and pumped without them tiring out too quickly.
Training methods include practice, mock matches, skill-based games, and team tournaments.

The sports we specialise in for these camps are:

  • Rounders
  • Football
  • Volleyball
  • Hockey
  • Tennis
  • Cricket
  • Badminton
  • Basketball
  • Tag Rugby
  • Athletics

Camps are tailored specifically for different age groups, based on the best ways to engage and excite them, and the critical skills and aptitudes to be developed.

Ages 4-5
Ages 6-7
Ages 8-11

To reward and nurture your child’s performance, attitude, and teamwork, we:
Issue certificates for all children, along with the ‘Player of the Course’ and ‘Most Improved Player’ special awards and trophies at the course’s end.

We also award Footballs, Tennis Ball sets, Rugby balls, Tentacle balls (as relevant to the course), and other prizes on a weekly basis.

Note: For children to attend these camps, they should have started reception classes at school.


Schedule and Itinerary

Our holiday camps run daily from 9.30am to 3.30pm. We also offer wrap-around care to better support parents’ busy schedules, where we instead supervise and spend time with your kids from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm each day.

A day at camp is generally scheduled as below:

Time Activity
9.30-10.00am Warm-up and small sided matches
10.00-11.00am Skill-based practice 1 (e.g. dribbling)
11.00-11.20am First Break
11.20-12.00pm Fun-based game (e.g. dribbling)
12.00-12.30pm Small sided matches
12.30 – 1.00pm Lunchtime
1.00 – 2.00pm Skill-based practice 2 (e.g. passing)
2.00 – 2.20pm Final Break
2.20 – 3.00pm Fun-based game (e.g. passing)
3.00 – 3.25pm Small sided matches
3.30pm De-brief and wave off to parents

Book Now or Miss Out

You can register and save a space for your child through either online booking or a telephone booking.


1) Online Booking
a) Create a SPA account here
b) Fill in the booking form here (takes less than 10 minutes tops)
c) A confirmation email will be sent to you with the booking details.Read and confirm the booking details
i) In case of amendments, contact our response team at 020 7175 5772or via email at


2) Telephone Booking
a) Call our secure line at 020 7175 5772
b) Complete a quick Q&A with our response team (have your ideal dates ready!)
c) A confirmation email will be sent to you with the booking details.Read and confirm the booking details
d) In case of amendments, contact our response team at 020 7175 5772or via email at